Navigating Addiction, Trauma, & Sobriety Through a Relationship to Spirit with Vedic Astrologer Daryl Rocco

Addiction is not a moral failing nor an unrecoverable disease. Addiction is often a way we learn to lessen the pain of overwhelming trauma and isolation. In this episode, my dear friend Daryl Rocco shares her story of what it took to get sober after a lifetimes of trauma. She discusses learning to rely on others, surrendering to a higher power, and being willing to feel her emotions.

I wasn’t just addicted to alcohol, I was addicted to not feeling. I could see where my life had come to this very narrow hole and all my self-will was gone…The willingness [to feel] came from knowing I had run my road down, that it was not going to get any better, that there was no other way out. So I had to be willing to pick up a toolkit.
— Daryl Rocco, Depth Work Podcast Episode 36

Also in this episode:

  • using substances and addiction as a way to numb out and flee from painful emotions

  • The role of trauma and abusive relationships

  • AA and mandated treatment

  • hitting rock bottom and having a spiritual awakening during sobriety

  • handling challenging mystical experiences

Having gotten sober, I am so clear on what my purpose on this planet is for. Having come to Vedic Astrology, I am now armed with exactly what I am here to do. And that is to help others come back to their own true divinity too. And to be that light for others who have been down that path that just feels like there’s no way out.
— Daryl Rocco, Depth Work Podcast Episode 36

About Daryl Rocco:

Daryl Rocco is a licensed vedic astrologer/teacher, ayurveda practitioner, yoga instructor with over 19 years of experience, Reiki Usui 2 energy healer, psychic, and experienced paralegal. In 2004, following a series of life-altering losses, Daryl discovered the yoga mat and its community. As she began to recover, she gravitated naturally toward yoga teacher training and instruction. She became qualified in both vedic astrology and ayurveda not long after she began studying vedic astrology and ayurveda in earnest. Daryl employs the ancient teachings of yoga, ayurveda, and vedic astrology to assist her clients in returning to a state of harmony with themselves, others, and their dharma. She uses spiritual instructions, energy and elemental combinations to assist clients back to their original, balanced, authentic selves. Her ultimate dharmic path is to contribute her energy, time, and support to other practitioners, students of life, and all sentient beings, as service to and of the light comes naturally to her. Daryl's dharma is energetically aligned with her commitment to the conscious community.

DEPTH Work - A Holistic Mental Health Podcast

This is a space for those who love to dive into the underbelly, to revel in the mystery, question assumptions about what is normal, play in both/and, and honour the wide range of human emotions.

As a complex trauma survivor, holistic counsellor and co-founder of a mental health institute, I learned that there is immense wisdom in our pain and what we call crazy is just what we are yet not willing to understand and explore. Let’s dive in!