Creating Your Life Like A Work Of Art: Visioning & Goal Setting The Easy Way


Creating your life like a work of art starts with having a vision and being deeply intentional about what we desire (while also leaving room for the mystery). Modern “goal-setting” strategies can feel cold or simply exhausting. I’ve spent a decade researching the best ways to intentionally set goals that are aligned with your values in a way that also feels easy and fun. So in today’s episode, I cover my favourite annual reflection and annual planning processes, how to discover and get creative with your 10, 3 and 1-year goals, and how to implement online and paper systems for consistency. You can do these practices anytime, not just around the start of the year but also at the start of a quarter, around your birthday, or anytime that you need clarity.

What you’ll learn about in this episode - Creating Your Life Like A Work Of Art: Visioning & Goal Setting The Easy Way:

  • Intentional living and the impact of consistent reflection

  • Why we need to start with values and desired feelings

  • Annual reflection - the most important questions I ask myself yearly

  • Vision casting for 10, 3, and 1 year goals that’s easy and fun

  • Avoiding overwhelm with simple monthly and weekly planning to take action on your goals

  • The biggest lessons I’ve learned in being intentional in the planning process

Your values are how you know whether or not you’re living in integrity, and integrity is a key factor in our mental health. (...) When our actions aren’t aligned with our values, we get depressed. Think about what’s influencing your actions, and if there’s a gap between what you say you value and what’s driving your behavior. Sometimes we may choose validation over authenticity, security over freedom, or stability over variety. These are not wrong choices and there are no wrong values. Simply considering if our values are working for us, actually making us happy, or if they need to shift is a big step towards integrity.
— Jazmine Russell, Depth work episode 25.

DEPTH Work - A Holistic Mental Health Podcast

This is a space for those who love to dive into the underbelly, to revel in the mystery, question assumptions about what is normal, play in both/and, and honour the wide range of human emotions.

As a complex trauma survivor, holistic counsellor and co-founder of a mental health institute, I learned that there is immense wisdom in our pain and what we call crazy is just what we are yet not willing to understand and explore. Let’s dive in!
